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Only fantasy can save us now!
for 9+ to †
“Once upon a time…there was a world full of maths teachers, bankers and…No, once upon a time there was a world full of hi-tech touchscreens, Fyra trains, bleeps, chip cards and grey hair…No, once upon a time, long ago…”
Fairy tales are hopelessly out of sync with our hyper-technological age and as for fairy tale characters: If you’re not nice enough or bankable – you’re out. No wonder they’re all quitting this world!
In OMG!XMAS-SHOW! WTF? we come across them in an endless forest where lonely devils flirt with lost princesses and drunk birds and depressed Father Christmases search for the leitmotif of their existence. Near exhaustion, they reach an inn and hope they’ll live happily ever after. But will they?
DOOD PAARD warms up the public with old Christmas tale melted down to form a 2013-proof fairy-story. A super swagg story for adolescents, painfully moralistic for adults! A desperate attempt to create a cosy, social atmosphere amid global catastrophes and hyper-individualism